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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Mackinaw City Getaway

Kevin and I finally had a chance to get a way for a weekend so we headed to Mackinaw City. I have always loved going there. It's fun just walking to everywhere.
We did some metal detecting (found a few coins but no diamond ring---rats!) Anyway, it was fun walking the beaches, the souvenir shops, looking at the beauty of the island and Mackinaw Bridge. We went to the Mill Creek Historical Park and walked a couple trails there, seen some history, and Kevin got the chance to ride a zipline. Following this you will see a video of that.
On Friday evening a terrible stormed rolled in that only lasted a few minutes but it was quite intense so I put a picture of it with a video also. Then a few minutes later the sun came out and we had a beautiful evening that came out with a double rainbow. It was so vivid. It actually looked like a sphere instead of a rainbow. It was awesome!
The evening ended with a laser show right in the heart of Mackinaw City Crossings Mall. Always enjoyable.
On Saturday we had a family reunion to go to and it was a beautiful day for that. We had to travel about an hour away for that but the park, food and fun was worth it. Always good to see family that you only see once a year.
It was a good time for Kevin and I and really wasn't ready for it to be over.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

A mirage of pictures we forgot we had on our phone cameras

First two pictures are the cousins first meeting at the airport back in April.
Third picture is Bubba's swollen eye he had gotten while at meme and papa's house. He has tree bark flown into it and rubbing it had scratched his eye. I was so sad because papa had to take him to the ER. This was the morning after.
Fourth picture is Cristal and Bubba shooting targets at Chuck E. Cheese's.
Fifth picture is Bubba (Darth Vader) and brother Zeke.
Sixth picture is Lou E. Loon and me at the Loon's game. They won. :)
Seventh picture is the Blue Man Group that Kevin and I went to back last November.
Eighth picture is watching for Nick and family coming off airplane. We spotted the boys and they came running. :)
Ninth picture--look at the tower of onion rings at Red Robin Restaurant.
Next two pictures are everyone meeting babies and cousins for the first time at Detroit Airport.
Last two pictures are of Zeke at Chuck E. Cheese. His best friend is Chuck E. Cheese
Lots of memories that we forgot we had on our phone cameras.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Beauty of Flowers

Just a few pictures of the flowers in my back yard. Thought I would enjoy them with you. My picture of my trumpet vine is over taking the corner so it needs some trimming which it has all ready had one all ready. I was hoping for some flowers on it this year but didn't happen. It's pretty to look at anyway. My Hollyhocks are standing tall this year for some reason. My fence is 6 ft. tall and they are probably another foot taller. Crazy!
The tiny pink flowers are from my carpet rose bush which they are all bloomed out and they stay this way all the way through Fall.
Our corner spot has all kinds of beauty growing mainly in the later summer and fall. There are 3 different kinds of Hosta Plants, lilies which are finished now but the one orange one I took a picture of, there are snowcrops which will bloom in the fall a dark red color, there are 3 Jacobs Ladders , buttercups which are a brilliant yellow but I didn't get a picture in time of those some ferns that are growing in the far corner some mum plants and I even have some wild stuff going on in there.
The little bell shaped flowers are from my Hostas Plants. Lots of those.
There are two pictures of up close to my Hollyhocks.
Hope you enjoy. I love doing flowers and feeding birds. If I can catch a few bird pictures maybe that will be next.

Friday, July 11, 2008


This last week I had the privilege to go to our church camp (Bethel Youth Camp in Hawk, MI) and work in the kitchen. I really did enjoy myself but needless to say, it was very tiring but it was well worth it. In a couple of my pictures you will see a nest with 3 baby birds with their beaks wide open waiting for their mommy to come along with more food for them to eat. These pictures reminded me much of the reason we were at camp. We prayed for new life, for souls to be saved and with much excitement we had 8 souls saved. These little birds remind us of new life. They were getting ready to spread their wings to fly, waiting for momma bird to feed and teach them. These birds are starting a new life just like the 8 souls that were saved but their lives will live eternal lives. Working in a hot kitchen, sweating in the humidity all the sore achy feet really made it worth it all knowing that we were actually a part of these life changing decisions that were made.
There are just a couple pictures of the camp itself which lays in the middle of no where and is beautiful and peaceful (that is when the campers weren't screaming with excitement from all the games and contests going on).
It really was a very blessed week and I had a riot working with the ladies in the kitchen. You can't work in a kitchen full of women and not laugh a lot. :)
There is one more picture that I thought I would sneak in of my mom, sister Donna, Cristal and me together during the 4th of July picnic that we held at our church. We all wore red, white and blue that day.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Day of celebration

Well, can you believe that the 4th of July is gone all ready? But the weekend still goes on. It's been a beautiful week for fun and weather. Yesterday we were able to gather with family. We enjoyed it a lot but we sure missed our kids in Georgia and South Dakota but Praise the Lord we were able to talk to all of them by way of web cam. What a great invention!!!! I put together a mish mash of pictures and a couple videos of the Midland Fireworks. Their is a picture of me (Tammie) with my flag jello cake missed out Nick :( another picture of all of us on the back deck playing some yard games, a picture of Ashton (grandson of Kevin's brother Steve) holding a frog that he had a great time with, a picture of the group of us sitting at the Tridge grounds waiting for the fireworks to begin. Our group for the day and evening were mom and dad Booth, Dad Church and wife Marilyn, Marilyn's son Victor, Donna and Bill and grandson Darren, Cristal, Uncle Clark, Kevin and I. Of course, we ate good food all day long and it was a good evening.

Friday, July 4, 2008


These are some pictures of us at the Loon's game that we went to last night (Thursday). We started the night out by eating at Daddy-o's Diner downtown. Then we headed to the Dow Diamond for a baseball game between the Midland Loon's and the Dayton Dragons, well, not realizing they were playing a double header due to a rained out game the night before our game was scheduled to start at 7:05 and when we got there they were in the 3rd inning of their make up game so needless to say it was a long night but praise the Lord the weather was nice. The loon's won their first game and then our game actually started at 8:55 pm. We had the pleasure of watching two games for the price of one. There are a couple pictures of the stadium and one of us sitting there. Then a couple pictures of the scoreboard. The one says the Loon's won because they actually won both games. One picture is of Lou E. Loon mascot. To top off the night they had fireworks at the stadium after the game was finished. COOL!
As the evening got later it did get a little bit chillier so we had our hoodies and blankets and while we were waiting for Kevin to take a couple pictures Cristal and I gathered around the fire pit they had going at the entrance of the stadium. That was neat---all we needed then was a stick with a hot dog and the makings for smore's. It was an enjoyable evening.
Today we will gather with family and have a grill out (at our house) then tonight we will head to the Midland fireworks. I will post pictures tomorrow of our fun today.