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Monday, August 27, 2007

On the Road Again!

This weekend we head down to Nick and Amanda's in Georgia. Can't wait to see everyone, especially Bubba and Zeke. Proud grandparents, can't ya tell!! I have to return on Labor Day to what else-labor, bring home the bacon, put the bread on the table, work for "the man", support uncle sam, well enough of that nonsense. Tammie will stay and help with the boys while little AJ arrives. She sure is lucky being a full time grandma(meme) and enjoys it very much. I'll go back down a couple weeks later. Hopefully AJ will be taking up residence in the nursery by then so I can see and hold her. Papa's first granddaughter. Do you think she will be spoiled? Yes, I think so!
Before you know it we will be heading out to SD to see little Cian. Nick and Cory's families are growing and Meme and Papa are prouder than ever. Cristal is doing great with her new job and we thank and praise God for all these blessings.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Once Upon a Cool August Morn.

Well, I really hate to rub it in to all you sweltering southerners, but I will anyway. This is mid August and when we got up this morning it was around 57 degrees. Burr!! We lit up the chiminea, sipped coffee and munched on cinnamon rolls left over from the fair last night. It is unusually cool this weekend for August, but what a delight to just kick back, smell the cool air with a hint of burning pine, and watch the birds and squirrels go about their daily business. What a great morning, just to sit beside my love and enjoy life.

Midland County Fair

Hey Bubba and Zeke,
Papa and meme went to the fair and we had remembered the fun times that we took both of you boys with us. Meme was able to pet a two week old miniature horse. I also petted my favorite baby calves and a huge black cow. The black and white bunny was so cuddly and adorable. We ate lots of fair food like cotton candy, elephant ears, ice cream, corn dogs and of course, the famous Omar's Cinnamon rolls. Those are papa's favorites. :) We had a lot of fun and the weather was perfect for the fair this year.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Us. The Beginning

As we continue with our "beginnings" theme we thought you all would like a little bit of history. It was 1977, June, right after High School Graduation. I went to my best buds graduation party. I asked him who that girl was sitting on the couch. He said she was his cousin. What's her name? Tammie. She was sitting with his sister. She(Tammie) said to his sister, who's that? Kevin. Well like they say "the rest is history". We first met that day, and within the first week of dating, although we hadn't said anything to each other about it but we were pretty sure we would be seeing a lot of each other. Let's see, how about 30 years worth now. Well after our 4th week of dating we started talking about the "m" word. Yeah, marriage.
So, six months later we were married on a beautiful lightly snowing January evening. We honeymooned in Florida, and I don't care how old I get, the Magic Kingdom will always be a special place for us. We were young, but not foolish. We took whatever life threw at us and tried to make the best of it. "We" got pregnant early. Rats, no motorcycle trip to Niagara Falls, but we knew we were going to have a family to raise, and that's when it hit me like a ton of bricks. You see we weren't exactly living a "good" christian life, although we were going to church. What hit me was the fact that I , whether I liked it or not was going to be an "example". What were our children going to see in me, their "father". Wow what a responsibility. Well enough rambling on. God has given Tammie and I three beautiful children. And I believe I mentioned before that the boys have married beautiful christian ladies(we prayed for them since the boys were born) and are now giving to us beautiful grandchildren, to whom I again must be an example to. We are still praying that our daughter will find the christian man that God would have for her , but we know that will come in His timing. Wow what a life God has given to us. We've had our share of medical problems, heartaches, and tough life changing decisions. No, life is not always easy, but we look at the family pictures on the walls all around our house and say "thank you God" and good night.

Thursday, August 9, 2007


I planted sunflowers this year for the first time. How fun to watch them grow. My tallest one now is between 10.5 to 11 feet high. Unbelievable. The picture that you see has a bumblebee right in the middle of it. The span of this blossom must be close to 6 inches or more. They are all so tall that the neighbors are getting to enjoy them also. Have a great day.

Monday, August 6, 2007

We've only just begun.

Yes, we've only just begun. Sounds like a song does'nt it. Actually we've only just begun this blog site. Inspired by the talent of our children(I say children but now they are having their own children-save one)although she has a dog so that might count some how. They have blog sites which keep us updated on day to day happenings and pics. We laugh, we cry, we have LIFE! and we LOVE! it. Well we will try our hand at this thing called the Blog.