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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

visiting Cian

Here is our little South Dakotan. What a blast we have been having with him and of course, Cory & Shannon. The mountains are beautiful and we were able to go to Devil's Tower. What an awesome sight! How can anyone say, "There isn't a GOD!" It's absolutely breath taking.
Cian is breath taking also. How alert - all the time. We are enjoying the time of spoiling him. He will be growing up so fast when we leave but he has great parents that will rear him with lots of love, care and memories. Like Nick always say, "they will have to degrandmatize" when we leave to go home. :)

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Flying to South Dakota

Here we are finally heading out to see our latest grandson Cian Andrew Church.
Today, October 25th, he is two weeks old. On Saturday, October 27th, we will be seeing him for the first time and we are so excited. The time we have to spend out there will be to short but we are going to enjoy every second that we can and cherish our time together.
Cian has all ready filled our lives with happy moments and I am sure he will
continue to do so. Our three other grandchildren living in Georgia have also
filled us with much joy and laughter. Praise the Lord, as grandparents, he has given us the ability to take advantage of being able to fly and travel to see
them all. Pray for our safety there and back.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

The BIG 50

I made it to 50! Half a century year old! Sounds nasty doesn't it? BUT I am so thankful to my Lord for his healing power this last year. I enjoyed this birthday much more than in the past because it was pain free and tremor free. I praise the Lord over and over.
Kevin & I had a great weekend together as we celebrated then as my birthday was in the middle of the week. We did a lot of shopping and Frankenmuth. It was a lovely day. Then Kevin surprised me again in the evening of my birthday with friends and family showing up to have snacks and cake & ice cream. It was a fun evening. Thanks to everyone that came. Thank you Kevin for being such a wonderful husband and standing by me through my surgery and recovery time. I love you!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Cian Andrew Church

He's here and boy are we excited. Cian was born on Thursday, October 11, 2007 at 10:30 pm and is 20 1/2 inches long. What a beautiful baby boy. God has blessed Kevin and I with four beautiful healthy grandchildren. We have enjoyed being grandparents again the last two months. Infact, having a grandchild every month is quite fun. :) We will be heading to South Dakota on October 27th---13 more days. Can't wait!!! We are anxious to see Shannon's family and enjoy the birth of our grandson with them.
Shortly after we get home from SD we will be heading to Georgia for Thanksgiving to see Nick and Amanda, Bryson, Zeke and Arianna again. Our latest granddaughter. We miss all of them. So a reminder to all who read this please pray for safety for flying (SD) and driving (Georgia).

Sunday, October 7, 2007


It's hard to imagine but FALL is here although the heat this last weekend makes it feel like summer. It has been in the low 90's for October, Unusual.
Before the week is done it will feel like fall once again. In the 60's and maybe 70's. Any way, just wanted to share a couple pictures of my fall decorating in the front yard.